"Combat Discharger" (by Matan Thunder)
These devices were originally created by the Arduin Consortium as a means of conveying attack routines outside the Time Lords' Battle Sphere, while limiting the party’s potential to be injured in combat. These devices were much sought after inside the Consortium after their creation as they could serve as a very effective attack platform when present on any device with enough room for their user to project a specific attack sequence from.
This 8’ diameter pad is 3” thick, and is made of a living symbiotic lifeform with the appearance of a brown leathery bouncy material backed that possesses a resiliency of steel. The primary function of this device is to provide for a distance attack system for melee weapons as well as any other type of attack. It can also serve as a mobile attack platform, as it can even fly and reach spelljamming speeds.
The pad is activated whenever some creature places their feet on top of the device. This activates a 360 degree vision sensory field that can represent any place within 1 mile of the pad. The perspective presented is as if the user of the device were on the ground in the location currently occupied by an illusion (projected image) of the occupant of this device. The creature on the pad then may initiate any attack routine they have access to, which is then transmitted via a Remote Access spell affect. This conveys the attack to the site of the user’s wishes in precise synchronization with the user’s movements.
The Combat Discharger will read/sense all movements of a creature on top of it, and it is then able to translate their attack routines with perfect precision to the target location through the remote access affect, as if the user were actually there. The only difference is that the damaging end of the attack materializes at the location within range Combat Discharger’s affect at the moment of the attack. This attack can be accompanied by an illusion of the attacker that the victim may key on to initiate counter moves, but there is no substance to this affect, except at the moment the Remote Access projects the attack to the victim.
Device Sighting System The viewing sensors of the Combat Discharger come from 3 small black sapphire nodes spaced equally around the discharger pad (flawless stones worth 10,000 gold pieces each). These sensors have a combined projected image & programmed illusion working in tandem to project a point in the surrounding terrain within a range of 1 mile. These provide a view of the location present near the location of the viewing powers of the device. They are the source of all the use of the Remote Access Powers of the discharger, but the sensors are intangible, and they can move about at the will of the Combat Discharger to move about freely at the users wishes.
The sensors of the device are 3 invisible illusionary phantasmal sensors about 1” in diameter that can move anywhere within 1 mile of the platform discharger. The range of these devices when not aboard the Time Lords Sphere is 1 mile from their set up location.
In situations where they are in the Time Lords Sphere device, all range factor are related to the position of the Time Lord’s Battle Sphere’s outer hull (or 1 mile from the discharger if outside the sphere. They move about at quickling speeds throughout the area of affect.
The primary sighting system provides a 360 degree panoramic view of any position within the 1 mile sensor range, with an illusion (like a projected image) of the creature occupying the Combat Discharger occupying a location that is directly in the sync with the illusion’s viewpoint. The view shows up as a light transparent blue bubble 10’ around the device’s user, that presents the view as he would see it if he were the illusion.
The user is allowed to emit his remote access power anywhere within 10’ of the illusion regardless of the illusion’s view, even behind a target. This primary sighting feature can zoom in/out with 1 segment of thought by the devices user.
The viewing surface can also be oriented by the mental will of the user to make a secondary transparent target tracking option anywhere on its surface with 1 segment of thought. There is a slightly darker blue illuminated field 2’ x 2’ that will track targets within the 1 mile range. This second targeting viewpoint can zoom in/out anywhere within the 1 mile radius. The targets will be viewed as if from above, but the user can alter the viewpoint of this second view to any axis they wish. The sight surface can appear anywhere the user wishes in the 360 degree field, and the images on the surface will be red with the image of the target creature, (which is viewed by the sensors) appear on the surface. The system can track any creature moving throughout the 1 mile radius, regardless of size, even if invisible or out of phase.
The viewing nodes of the discharger have each been also been True Adamantine & True Tin dipped for additional magic powers in visual and other spells for the discharger’s use.
Node 1 The sensor node also has been subjected to an Alchemical process called True Admantite Dipping which allows them to store, regenerate, and use a number of spells during a day. There are 11-20 spells that can be stored in this manner (roll randomly), and they regenerate each turn. Part of this same process requires the application of the substance known as True Tin that will provide the following powers:
Immunity to control spells such as charm, hold,, slow, etc…
The substance also conveys Rulership powers (as the Rod of Rulership) to up to 100 level/hit dice of creatures that are forced to obey the device wielder. Only those creatures with a 15> INT or 4+ hit dice are allowed a save vs spell to avoid being compelled to obey.
True Adamantine Powers (Regenerate every 10 minutes)
1. Lv 3 Infravision (Sight Augmentation)
2. Lv 4 Ultravision (Sight Augmentation)
3. Lv 3 Wizard Sight (Sight Augmentation)
4. Lv 6 True Sight (Sight Augmentation)
5. Lv 7 Vision (Supernatural Guidance/Research)
6. Lv 9 Foresight (Powerful 6th Sense Between Self & Another)
7. Lv 6 Balch’s Double Blow (3x) (Attack Augmentation)
8. Lv 3 Tenser’s Deadly Strike (Attack Augmentation)
9. Lv 8 Spell Holding (For the Above Spells)
10. Lv 2 Shadowstrike (Strobe-like Strike Attack Augmentation)
11. Lv 3 Quevven’s Draining Blades (Vampiric Drain Attack Augmentation)
12. Lv 5 Master of Arms (Weapon Proficiency Boost of 2 Slots In Specialization)
13. Lv 9 Envorpal Weapon (Confer Vorpal Strike to Bladed Weapons)
14. Lv 5 Quickblade (Weapon Bonus of +3 To Hit/Damage and -1 Weapon Speed Factor)
15. Lv 2 Amplify Damage (Bonus 2d6 Damage to Weapon)
16. Lv 6 Critical Hit ({Attack as ½ Lvl Fighter For Mages} & Double Damage)
17. Lv 4 Sakratara’s Triple Stirke (Two Arcane Weapon Duplicates (Normal Damage By Weapon)
18. Lv 2 Blinding Strike (-1 Initiative Bonus & Once Double # Attacks)
Node 2 The sensor node also has been subjected to an Alchemical process called True Admantite Dipping which allows them to store, regenerate, and use a number of spells during a day. There are 11-20 spells that can be stored in this manner (roll randomly), and they regenerate each turn. Part of this same process requires the application of the substance known as True Tin that will provide the following powers:
Immunity to control spells such as charm, hold,, slow, etc…
The substance also conveys Rulership powers (as the Rod of Rulership) to up to 100 level/hit dice of creatures that are forced to obey the device wielder. Only those creatures with a 15> INT or 4+ hit dice are allowed a save vs spell to avoid being compelled to obey.
True Adamantine Powers (Regenerate every 10 minutes)
1. Lv 3 Infravision (Sight Augmentation)
2. Lv 4 Ultravision (Sight Augmentation)
3. Lv 3 Wizard Sight (Sight Augmentation)
4. Lv 6 True Sight (Sight Augmentation)
5. Lv 7 Vision (Supernatural Guidance/Research)
6. Lv 9 Foresight (Powerful 6th Sense Between Self & Another)
7. Lv 8 Thrice Supreme (4x) (3 Rolls Keep Best For 4 rounds)
8. Lv 8 Spell Holding (2x) (Holds Spells On)
9. Lv 9 Life Field (Damage Augmentation to Attacks)
10. Lv 9 Return (Keeps 5 HP In Contingency of Death)
11. Lv 5 Conduit (Spells Into Multiple Arrows/Bolts)
12. Lv 2 First Strike (Auto Initiative For Multi Creatures)
13. Lv 7 Alter Occurrence (Alters a Recent Past Event Only 1 Chance)
14. Lv 5 Missile Multiplication II (Creates 3d6 Missiles From 1)
15. Lv 2 Whirling Blade (Around the Casters Wrist)
16. Lv 4 Darkray’s Anti Magic Ray (Dispel Magic Strike With Weapon For Dur)
Node 3 The sensor node also has been subjected to an Alchemical process called True Admantite Dipping which allows them to store, regenerate, and use a number of spells during a day. There are 11-20 spells that can be stored in this manner (roll randomly), and they regenerate each turn. Part of this same process requires the application of the substance known as True Tin that will provide the following powers:
Immunity to control spells such as charm, hold,, slow, etc…
The substance also conveys Rulership powers (as the Rod of Rulership) to up to 100 level/hit dice of creatures that are forced to obey the device wielder. Only those creatures with a 15> INT or 4+ hit dice are allowed a save vs spell to avoid being compelled to obey.
True Adamantine Powers (Regenerate every 10 minutes)
1. Lv 3 Infravision (Sight Augmentation)
2. Lv 4 Ultravision (Sight Augmentation)
3. Lv 3 Wizard Sight (Sight Augmentation)
4. Lv 6 True Sight (Sight Augmentation)
5. Lv 7 Vision (Supernatural Guidance/Research)
6. Lv 9 Foresight (Powerful 6th Sense Between Self & Another)
7. Lv 9 Nrok’s Lethal Weapon IV (Weapon Forces saving throw vs Spells -2; 70% Death/30% 6xDmg)
8. Lv 9 Nondeath (Prevents Instant Death Magics/Damage Death For the Duration)
9. Lv 7 Fiction (Allows For a Tailored Outcome)
10. Lv 7 Eldron’s Second Chance (Time Alteration Spell To Repair Past Event)
11. Lv 6 Diamondblade (Vorpal Like Affect)
12. Lv 7 Luck (+1 Bonus to Rolls)
13. Lv 1 Kitric’s Dweomer Strike (+2 Weapon Damage Bonus For Duration)
14. Lv 1 Thellum’s Edge of Blasting (Damage Bonus to Weapon 1 pt Per Caster Level minus 1
15. Lv 3 Zorn’s Aerial Accuracy (Never Miss Thrown Missiles For 5 Missiles)
16. Lv 7 Anticipation (Know Attacks/Actions of Those within 60’ For 1 Round)
17. Lv 7 Dancing Weapon (Animate a Weapon Move 28” MC:A)
18. Lv 3 Lesion (Weapon Augmentation Treats All As AC 10)
19. Lv 7 Dimensional Blade (Blade Becomes 2 Dimensional Damage Augmentation)
20. Lv 9 Matan’s Magic Self (Create Mobile Magic Field Emanating From Self)
The substance of the Combat Discharger is made of specially created homunculus fashioned from tissue samples of: Living Scroll/ Tween/ Quickling/ Phaerimm/ Retriever/ Astral Dragon/ Star Selkie/ Carbuncle/ Living Steel/ Overseer Beholder. These creatures were melded together via successive Monimerge spells and the resultant creature was turned into a homunculus form through alchemical processes that allow it to gain further powers during this creation process.
1) Living Scroll: This created lifeform creates a living scroll that can cast the spells on it. This device possesses a 17 intelligence with magical powers similar to those granted on the intelligence sword tables of the Dungeon Masters Guide. Furthermore, if the mage possesses a spell book the scroll can memorize 1 spell per intelligent point above an 8 intelligence. The 9 spells at this time are:
1. Lv 9 Absorption (Magic Absorbing Affect)
2. Lv 9 Meteor Swarm (Attack Spell)
3. Lv 7 Teleport Without Error (Evasion Spell)
4. Lv 7 Duo Dimension (Evasion/Concealment Spell)
5. Lv 6 Chain Lightning (Attack Spell)
6. Lv 9 Shape Change (Alters Device to Evade Capture)
7. Lv 7 Devastate (Spell Power Increases)
8. Lv 9 Time Stop (Attack & Evasion Spell)
9. Lv 7 Volley (Spell Protection Reverser)
Whenever a spell is used by the living scroll it disappears from their memory and must be replenished with the new spell as if the spell caster were relearning the spell on a daily basis. This device can use any level of spell out to ninth level.
2) Tween: This symbiotic denizens of the ethereal plane are smoky outlines of their host for those viewing them on the prime. The tweens have the ability to see seconds into the future which allows their host to make two dice rolls and take the best of the two rolls. Unfortunately others within 50’ are forced to make two rolls and will always take the worst. (These devices are immune to the affect, so if two dischargers are within the 50’ range they are not affected).
3) Quickling: These creatures offer the Combat Discharger user great speed and tremendous agility for the device, and to gain the following powers when using it: Move 96”; 3/1 Number of Attacks; 100% Invisible when not moving; 90% Invisible when moving (during attacks); Spells each one use and simple will activation: ventriloquism, forget, levitate, shatter, dig, and fire charm.
4) Phaerimm: This cone shaped creature serves as a great deal of the power for these devices. They offer vast mage spellcasting powers that are activated by silent act of will. This creature conveys the device the following powers: 44% Magic Resistance to all but petrification/polymorph attacks witch are 77% Magic Resistance; Those spells overcome by the Magic Resistance% that cause damage become part of a defensive reflex that will confer healing to the creature or have the spell affect 100% reflected back to the source (Healing is at the rate of 1 hit point per spell level & otherwise a reflected spell affects the rebound victim normally); Supra Genius; Operate as a 22nd level spellcaster (5,5,5,-5,5,5,-4,4,2); The device also has adopted one spell per level as a spell caster that they can cast at will one time per day: They are: Innate: 1st Chromatic Orb & Magic Missile; 2nd Detect Invisibility & Mirror Image; 3rd Non Detection & Wraithform; 4th Firecharm (Fire) & Rock to Mud; 5th Cloudkill & Demi Shadow Monsters; 6th Mass Suggestion & Permanent Illusion; 7th Limited Wish & Duo Dimension; 8th Polymorph Any Object & Trap the Soul; 9th Foresight & Time Stop. Spells by casters lvl: 1st Magic Mssl x3; Enlarge, Mount; 2nd Knock, Improved Phantom Forces x2, Web, Flaming Sphere; 3rd Blink, Water Breathing, Hold Person, Hold Undead, Explosive Runes; 4th Improved Invisibility, Evard’s Black Tentacles, Phantasmal Killer, Ice Storm; 5th Magic Jar x2, Wall of Force, Passwall, Cone of Cold; 6th Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Globe of Invulnerability, Mislead, Projected Image; 7th Mass Invisibility, Phase Door, Delay Blast Fireball, Control Undead; 8th Glassteel, Incendiary Cloud, Symbol; 9th Time Stop, Foresight.
5) Retriever: Multiple eye attacks from this part of the homunculi are part of this creature’s legacy to the Combat Discharger. These can be projected through the Combat Discharger by the mental command of their user. Each of these rays has a 60’ range & can be used per round (but must recharge 6 rounds after use): fire blast, cold blast, lightning blast, & transmutation (mud, stone, gold, or lead st vs. petrifaction). The eye powers offer damage equal to the device’s current hit points, which are related to the creature’s 10 hit dice (roll randomly for each discharger).
6) Astral Dragon Age 10: This creature offers the homunculi and Combat Discharger a number of powers. They are granted to the user of the discharger by silent act of will. They can: Sense psionic use/creatures within 240’ of users remote access location; +6 psionic blast; Breath weapon 6x day magical force blast 10’ wide x 160’ long which causes damage (per dragons current HP) & saving throw vs dragon breath or be feebleminded for 1 turn per age level; Spellcaster’s at age 10 = 9th level spell caster (higher level casters have been alluded to in githyanki lore). Its spells are: ?? (7th Lvl 4,3, 2, -1) = 1st Mount, Alarm, Gaze Unseen Servant, Sleep; 2nd Mirror Image, Magic Mouth, Detect Evil; 3rd Fireball, Tongues; 4th Confusion
7) Star Selkie: This creature is an ethereal shapechanging race that provide a Combat Discharger (and its user) motive powers that can allow for travel while riding the device and still using its powers. The creature conveys to the rider: In space an SR of 5; Encapsulation of the rider/user in their bullet-like shaped bodies for a ram attack that does 11-20 damage (or 1-2 hull points damage); the final power of the homunculi device is to allow it to shape change to a human like form for transport with the user.
8) Carbuncle: This luck generating doglike creature conveys additional powers to the device. They are: Fly 32” MC:A; Immune to psionic attacks; Double strength LUCKSTONE powers (10d4% to luck/5d2 on saving throws, etc..)
9) Living Steel: This creature offers some very useful components to the homunculi component of the device. The creatures grants: A solid texture to the skin-like material that makes up the surface of the discharger; Immunity to all weapons of up to +2 to the discharger itself; It can alter its from to anything, which included a number of forms that create armor for the user, while still retaining its Combat Discharger powers (i.e. the mat can become an armor that still allows for the use of the devices powers); It takes 1 round to change forms; It grants immunity to electricity/fire based attacks of less than 55 hp in strength (if exceed the discharger will take full damage, but will reform in the following round); Cold attacks that make it through Magic Resistance can slow the discharger by 50%.
10) Beholder (Overseer): As you can imagine the device gains the full gamut of eye powers for the overseer: These powers include: cone of cold; paralysis; telekinesis; mass charm, mass suggestion; spell turning; temporal stasis; dispel magic; chain lightning; emotion; domination; major creation; Serten’s spell immunity. Each are useable in a single round as these eye affects have access to remote access spells to shoot their eye rays through.
The nature of the homunculi creation has further augmented the powers above. This creation was granted (as part of being a new lifeform) a great increase in speed that effectively doubles all speeds that the tissue supplying creatures above. This means that the user of the discharger is granted the following adjusted speed augmentations: Speed of movements 192” move/ 64” Fly MC:A; SR 10; 6/1 attacks per round; 2 spells cast for each round (or 2 times the number of powers used i.e. eye rays, etc…).
Each Combat Discharger has also had the True Adamantine Treatment applied to its surface. This coating will has been subjected to an Alchemical process called True Admantite Dipping which allows them to store, regenerate, and use a number of spells during a day. There are 11-20 spells that can be stored in this manner (roll randomly), and they regenerate each turn. Part of this same process requires the application of the substance known as True Tin that will provide the following powers:
Immunity to control spells such as charm, hold,, slow, etc…
The substance also conveys Rulership powers (as the Rod of Rulership) to up to 100 level/hit dice of creatures that are forced to obey the device wielder. Only those creatures with a 15> INT or 4+ hit dice are allowed a save vs spell to avoid being compelled to obey.
There are 1-20 spell affects that are capable of activating over the entire surface. The following spells are applied via this procedure. The spells are all cast as if by a 26th level spell caster in duration, range, etc. The spells are the following:
1) Lv 5 Tempus Fugit (Time Alteration)
2) Lv 4 Remote Access (x5) (Distance Attack Facilitator)
3) Lv 5 Awaken From Afar (Activates Magic Items From Distance)
4) Lv 5 Telekinesis (Grasp/Grab/Attack Force)
5) Lv 7 Silent Accord (x2) (Mind Attack Spell Even a Miss is a Failed Save Later)
6) Lv 6 Projected Image (x2) (Distance Illusion of Combat User)
7) Lv 9 Matan’s Hydra Head (Multiple Head & Actions)
8) Lv 9 Morg’s Contemplate Fate (Future Decision Help)
9) Lv 9 Morg’s Duality of Mind (2 Minds In One Body)
10) Lv 8 Continuous Spell Holding (Locks Another Spell On)
11) Lv 5 Dart’s Multiple Arms (4 Arms For User)
12) Lv 5 Visions of Future Clarity (See 1 Turn Into Future)
13) Lv 9 Ageless’s Force of Will Spellcasting (Instant Spell Casting)
14) Lv 9 Matan’s Magic Self (Create Mobile Magic Field Emanating From Self)
You should note that all spells could be changed out for others allowed in your campaign, and by the same extension you could go for a wider range of monstrous homunculus components in the creation of your own customized versions. Of course you might be careful with the flight components, as their loss makes the mat somewhat difficult to move.