Direbane is an abode to share artifacts, simulacra, histories, and other items of note related to ongoing years adventuring.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Silver Road

(Image by A. B. Woodward taken from page 117 of “Red Apple and Silver Bells,” 1897.
Slight stretch and coloration by Matrox Lusch)
Finally sent my game submission for DunDraCon #44, the last DDC in San Ramon before it heads to a larger venue southerly in Santa Clara.

The world is flat and nothing flies. Birds, flying insects, bats, and even mythical aero-machines had collapsed, lost to past generations. All folks (other than towers' precious few) make hardscrabble living on the dirt.

Today an impossible road appeared, suspended by nullity. A thin silver ribbon stretching up into the sky as far as eyes could see.

Adventure across the Humpbacked Sky. You are a wizard, a warrior, a macrame owl. You travel with your companions from sphere to sphere engaging in quixotic pursuit.

TROIKA! is a simple yet robust rule system. You only need two six-sided dice! Three core attributes govern everything: Skill, Stamina & Luck. No prior rules knowledge necessary. Characters and a simple rules “cheat-sheet” provided.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Luka Rejec is a Slovenian game designer, illustrator, and writer based in Seoul, Korea.

He creates awesome things like Ultra Violet Grasslands, quotes Blue Oyster Cult songs, and wrote this poignant essay about our hobby...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Happy Dave Arneson Day!

(Dave Arneson, b. October 1, 1947, d. April 7, 2009)
October 1st, 2019 is the Tenth Annual DAVE ARNESON DAY, a tribute to the inventor of the role-playing game method and co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons.

Harvards Blackmoor Blog has freebies, articles, and tributes in honor of Dave.

There is a some-what present day intellectual discussion regarding Dave Arneson's contributions, essentially inventing the game style of a referee/entertainer creating and running the game for players who in turn run their player characters.

The discussion coincides with the release earlier this year of the new documentary, "Secrets of Blackmoor." I was able to view the film as a backer of the Kickstarter and it is super elucidating and fun to watch as members of Dave's Minnesota war gaming group describe how their wargames evolved into Arneson's Blackmoor role-playing campaign that preceded the development of Dungeons and Dragons.

T$R published the "Supplement II, Blackmoor" to original Dungeons and Dragons in 1975. After Dave had a falling out with T$R, Judges Guild in 1977 published the maps and game notes of Blackmoor in the now out-of-print "First Fantasy Campaign" which tacked Dave's Blackmoor lands onto the Wilderlands of High Fantasy.

Following the settlement of a lawsuit Dave filed after his name was removed as co-creator in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, T$R released Dungeons and Dragons "B/X" edition which re-attributed Dave as co-creator, and afterwards T$R produced a number of Blackmoor modules under the DA series.

So tip your hat to a visionary man who invented our wonderful and amazing hobby!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Miniature Party

(Eight-tenths of our adventuring party form the New Old Weird World.)
I still love the art of painting miniature figures for our campaigns. I get to imagine what a character would look like and bring that image to the table top. Too bad most of my players don't paint their own, maybe either because of time or just worries about doing a poor job.

That is a lame excuse because Sick Rick doesn't give a shit and paints his character's mini however he damn well pleases and the sloppy results are awesome.

The new thing I found out is my friendly local gaming store carries Reaper miniatures, but only the "Bones" plastic ones. They look cool and are probably a third cheaper than metal minis. I miss lead though. Oh well...

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Blipping Campaign Video Playlist on YouTube

I just created a YouTube playlist here for our Blipping campaign videos from the 1990s. There are presently 60 5-minute segments, essentially 5 hours of gaming spread among 12 different game sessions of varying length.

Ha, it may be that some folks have game snippets or single games, but the nearest I can tell we were unique being the first and only by around 2 decades to video tape most of our game sessions. Plus we gamed 1st edition (with various mods depending on who was DMing) up until the end of this campaign in 2005.

There a many more videos to come as I am barely to mid-1993...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


So this is really for the party in my current game. Old school heavy metal, just don't put these in your mouth. Still there are some decisions to be made and it seems easier to post all the pics here than have a gargantuan email...

PS There is lead in these metal miniatures, "white metal" which is any number of lead or tin alloys. These metallic forms of lead only cause problems if a person ingests it, so the time there needs to be extra precautions is when working on a figure i.e., melting, filing, cutting and the like. Painted and sealed lead-alloy minis carry little to no risk. (Recommended to apply base coat of paint over the entire figure, even the bottom which I hadn't done in the past.) And don't suck on them!

Anton: What colors do you want for your plague Doctor?
(In particular the color of that flask-like holy symbol!)

Bree: See Joe below.
<Kobold pic>

Darren: This is the only elf cleric-mage mini I found. Can I paint him up???

Jim: This is your half-orc barbarian with the 2-handed sword. I will paint him barbarianey.

Joe: Your miniature and Bree's are all finished by you and Bree. Don't forget them October 5th!

John P.: Found this broad on eBay. Bastard sword, crossbow, no shield, and sensible chain.

(Ha, this is my robot character.)

Mike: Do you want to use Elf #1, or Efl #2?

Rick: Half-elf mage with floppy dart.

Sasch: Do you want to use Fighter #1, or Fighter #2?
 (Or another Fighter, I don't recall your weapon-in-hand or armor.)

Scott: Found a Dwarf mini with an ax where the shield is molded into the miniature. Success!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Meet the Party

This past Saturday night we began our new adventuring party using Advanced Labyrinth Lord in a shared word with rotating Dungeon Masters.

I am running our heroes through Deep Carbon Observatory and they just bull-rushed around nearly all the overland encounters prior to the dungeon. Basically all the freaky folk in the drowned lands began to creep everyone out so they gave the drowned lands a wide berth taking the hilltop scenic route up around the busted dam.

Player characters are as follows:
  • Gundar Sharman, a dwarven cleric with inflamed gums and rotting teeth.
  • Stabby Not-Nice, a kobold fighter with a sailor henchman she saved from being unjustly executed.
  • Sando Brech, human fighter who cares only of getting paid.
  • "5", half-orc fighter who escaped from the orc-chieftain's harem where she was fifth concubine.
  • Darrius, an elf cleric-mage.
  • Ghati Phry, a dwarf fighter exiled from his homeland in the western mountains.
  • Doc von Slushfstim, a human plague doctor.
  • Gorg, half-orc barbarian.
  • Raspatan, elf cleric-assassin.
  • Handsome McLane, half-elf mage.
Here are most of the players...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Getting Small...

(Worldogrpaher map of ASE environs with Deep Carbon Observatory to the south.)
So it goes, I intended to begin our new Advanced Labyrinth Lord campaign in the gonzo-techno land of Patrick Wetmore's Anomalous Subsurface Environment. However, me bro Sumerled said I was hamstringing subsequent DMs (we are rotating dungeon masters every 1-3 sessions) with the techno.

Bro desired a gritty Jabberwocky-style adventure. Heh, heh, heh...

Because my turn to run a scenario won't likely arise again for some time when the PCs are higher level I had been going back and forth between ASE and DCO. Thanks bro.  :~)

One thing I did do was cut back the overland map to just the essentials for ASE and added DCO. The next DM ought to have somewhat free reign to tack on whatever. I added some mountains just to keep things set inside characters' long-distance vision rules from "Weird New World" from the old Grindhouse Edition of Lamentations of the Flame Princess.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Campaign Re-Boot

(Patrick Wetmore's ASE overland map hand-copied into the free-version of Worldographer
When we originally conceived what became the "Blipping" campaign back in 1988, I did not envision any "blipping" at all. First off, we never had other characters disappear just because the player was absent from the session. Basically, their characters became quasi-retainers who hung in the back and out of combat, but were ready to be used in an emergency if the party ended up in a tight spot. These lurking PCs did not receive any share of experience though, unless they were called upon to enter combat, cast some healing, or such, then they received a whole share if I remember correctly. (A boon because if the character was thrown into combat they could be killed too even with the player awol.)

Kind of like now, but for different reasons (our main DM Dr. John was off on his journey becoming a mad scientist), I ended up DMing our main game fore a long time and wanted to game a character of mine own for a minute. My original plan, upon which apparently I did not achieve consensus, was to start out in the land of Arduin and branch out from there. I even drew a starting map.

Arduin worked not only because it hosted the nexus of all the planes of the Multiverse, but also because the setting could handle straight sword and sorcery up to techno and sci-fi. Plus all of our group were familiar with the setting and there were enough hooks with little that was canon which in my idea left us free to extrapolate.

I ran the first three sessions in March-April-May 1989, doing some overland and Dead Watch Mountain I believe. Next Dr. John took over and BOOM we were on some other planet. As time passed we went from blipping to other settings each time a new DM took over (typically 3 session cycles) to our characters blipping in and out dependent on whether the character's player was actually present. Best laid plans, eh?

This time around, 30 years later(!), I am again trying my hand birthing a co-created connected land.

I bounced around for a setting (and had just about settled on Chaosium's original rpg treatment of "Thieves' World") when "Anomolous Subsurface Environment" (ASE) popped up during my online search/musing of all things Labyrinth Lord (the old school retro-clone settled on for our trip back to old-style gaming).

ASE is gonzo, sci-fi infused megadungeon that I had been interested in for many years. What I did not realize is contained in Patrick Wetmore's adventure is a gonzo city and setting surrounding the megadungeon. As I read more ASE seemed the perfect starting point to our campaign. A futuristic world destroyed thousands of years ago and now a place of magic and barbarism - just enough details to go off in any direction. (Was particularly keen on versatility because the suggested next DM up wanted to run an Arabian Nights theme.)

Next thing that cam to mind was how to keep the maps together as close to seamless as possible?

Mapping software was the obvious solution, however, many of our group (myself included) are rather short on the ducats. That meant for mapping software to work for everyone there had to be a free solution.

Inkscape is far and away the best quality freeware for vector graphing, but requires time both to learn and to draw. I tried a number of online applications (like HEXTML, HexDraw, and others) which all had limitations in the free versions such map size or features that made them less useful.

I finally settled on Worldographer, which the main drawback I had to live with is I couldn't draw coastlines freehand. Arrggh!!!! Ha, otherwise though the free version is pretty sweet with classic-style terrain and hex features.

Since most of our group does not hyper-focus like me this is the best thing to easily encourage everyone to add their overland to the unified campaign.

First game in 4 weeks, and then I'll get you my pretty...!  ;~)

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Basic Fantasy RPG v Labyrinth Lord

(my personal comparison between BF & LL)
A couple things happened...

First off I ran my regular game back on June 15th and during our musings I let fly that the current campaign was running toward a conclusion. With DunDraCon moving from Saint Ramon to Saint Clara in 2021 my goal was to wrap up sometime in the next year in order to have a new campaign up and running for the new convention location.

The idea was to go back to rotating Dungeon Masters, only this time "trying" to use my original idea from back in 1988 of a cooperatively developed world rather than characters full-on dimension hopping every two to three games.

Second, I literally ran my very fist player character since I got sober 14-plus some-odd years ago after being invited to Jeff Rients' online campaign, Lost Tombs of the Western Kingdom. Literally all I have done is DM, first straight-up 3.5, then beginning in 2012 our 1st/3rd hybrid, and most recently since 2018 the gently modified 5e.

Part of the problem is despite every single one of our group have played and DMed for at minimum more than a decade, everyone was brought up on 1st edition AD&D which we beat into the ground playing from 1978 until 2004.

Our problem with 1st edition was rules arguments. If folks didn't like the rule as written, they argued logic. If they didn't like the logic they argued rule as written. I don't think we had a single game without at least one 45-minute rules argument.

3.5 solved that because there were rules for everything down to the most granular level. However, most everyone felt incompetent rules-wise to run a game (except for me because I am a friggin' professional rules lawyer...).

Ok, so Jeff's game is Moldvay & Cook B/X-based which my original group, despite being much more Arneson than Gygax and huge Judges Guild and Blackmoor fans , missed because we started with the 1977 Holmes' blue book adding the 1978 AD&D Monster Manual and Players Handbook before we even had a clue about how AD&D was Gary's plot to drive off Dave.

B/X retains several of the OD&D rules that are different from AD&D. No armor AC is 9 insread of 10, dwarves, elves, and halflings are classes, but it also has some modernish trappings. For instance, Gary did not like blow-by-blow fighting. Being in the wargamer mode for Gary combat rolls indicated the results after one minute of fighting and several blows.

In B/X combat rounds are 10 seconds and each score is an actual hit. (Similar to how we played, anyway. We developed a weird 6-second segment by segment combat using the Players Handbook speed factors.)

After looking over B/X and playing in Jeff's online game seamlessly (ha, just like riding a bike, eh?) I began entertaining an idea that perhaps we should try running our game using a retro-clone in the old style. Retro-clones were not available when I restarted the game in 2005, so other than re-using our old, falling apart books the same game wasn't an option. In particular for the new players in our campaign.

The two main B/X style retro-clones I found are Basic Fantasy RPG and Labyrinth Lord. Ha, I went back and forth between the two. Labyrinth Lord is very, very true to the originals while Basic Fantasy RPG is its own game and has some modern conventions like ascending AC and Darkvision.

In the end, I think I'll have to propose Labyrinth Lord to our group. The Advanced Edition version especially is super close to what we played for years and as we are all much older now, it seems appropriate to revisit the old-style with some of our new edition chops maybe helping us better resolve rules issues. There we go, I will propose soon and let y'all know how things turned out...

Friday, May 31, 2019

The Ancient Illithid Empire

(Cartography by Dennis Kauth)

Mind Flayers are very much in the backstory of the present campaign I am running, so I have been delving into what I can learn about the ancient Illithid Empire. The most succinct informative notes I could find are originally from Nar here and the Wikipedia Illithid article. I merely re-edited the details for my post.

The Illithiad suggests illithids may be from the Far Realm, an incomprehensible plane completely alien to the known multiverse. There is no mention of time travel in this theory. Instead, they emerged somewhere countless thousands of years ago, beyond the histories of many mortal races, and spread from one world to another, and another, and so on. It is explicitly stated in this book that the illithids appear in some of the most ancient histories of the most ancient races, even those that have no mention of other races.

The supplement Lords of Madness provides that the Illithid were a star-faring people who existed at the end of time. Facing annihilation, the Illithid traveled to the past, arriving roughly 2000 years before the present. In these two differing versions of the story, much of the variance hinges upon a fictional text called The Sargonne Prophecies. The Illithiad described the Prophecies as misnamed, and that much of it sounds more like ancient myth than prophecy. Lords of Madness takes the name more literally, and states that The Sargonne Prophecies are in fact prophecy—or, perhaps more accurately, a history of the future.

According to the Lords of Madness history, Illithids are one of the few races respected by the aboleths. This is because the aboleths remember the origin of almost every other race, through their hereditary memory. However, illithids, as far the aboleths can remember, just appeared without preamble, which scares them.

Another version comes from The Astromundi Cluster that the illithids are descended from the outcasts of an ancient human society that ruled the now-shattered world called Astromundi. The outcast humans eventually mutated, deep underground, into the mind flayers. In the retconned history of the illithids found in either The Illithiad or Lords of Madness, the emergence of illithids in Astromundi becomes a freak occurrence due to the intervention of Ilsensine through its proxy, since the illithids of Astromundi have their own histories as emerging solely upon that world.

However and whenever it occurred, when the illithids arrived in the Material Plane of the far past, they immediately began to build an empire by enslaving many sentient creatures. They were very successful, and soon their worlds-spanning empire became the largest one the multiverse had ever seen. They had the power—in terms of psychic potency and the manpower of countless slaves—to fashion artificial worlds. One such world was this empire's capital, called Penumbra, a diskworld built around a star, which was a thousand years in the making. Such was their might that the Blood War paused as the demons and devils considered a truce to deal with the illithid empire.

Eventually, the primary slave race of the illithids developed resistance to the mental powers of their masters, and revolted. Led by the warrior Gith, the rebellion spread to all the illithids' worlds, and the empire collapsed. The illithid race itself seemed doomed.

The Ancient Illithid Empire

The book and adventure series, The Illithiad and the Overmind adventure arc by Bruce R. Cordell, first introduced the ancient Illithid empire in-depth into the ancient empire's capabilities. Unlike most assumptions of the ancient illithid empire, illithids are fully capable of faster-than-light space travel and may possibly be the only D&D race capable of doing so.


Completely different sets of natural laws govern the crystal sphere containing Penumbra, the ancient capital of the Illithid empire, from normal wildspace. “Truespace” is weightless and airless; however, objects cast adrift from worlds and planetary bodies do not possess a residual gravitational field, nor are they fortunate enough to gain an envelope of breathable air.

Player characters who gaze through the ventral observation ports see a star-sprinkled void not unlike the landscape visible during their trip through wildspace. However, the uncounted stars visible in Truespace all lie within the same crystal sphere.

This is basically all saying that the Illithid capital is the one known place in the D&D multiverse containing realistic space. The size that Truespace needs to be to have a full night sky is questionable but its probably at least a few hundreds of not thousands of light years at minimum.

Ancient Nautiloid

The nautiloid uncovered in Masters of Eternal Night is not the same class of nautiloid used by present-day illithids. The nautiloid is completely sealed, and it can maintain an internal atmosphere even when physical environments and natural lawa fluctuate and vary between worlds. The construction of the nautiloid is in some ways akin to terrestrial ships; however, every surface is molded and smoothed, alternating between mirror-bright surfaces and resin-like projections.

Here is a sentence from the adventure that indicates these nautiloid ships are metal:

Voor larvae consist of whatever material their spores used to form their chrysalises. In the cast of the nautiloid-composed voor, the creatures consist of a metal- and mucous-mixed resin.

The ancient vessel discovered by the PCs is self-powered and partially autonomous; PCs who place the brainmate in this cradle activate the ship. A ghostly voice, or perhaps a mental whisper, speaks:

"Reinvgoration protocols executed and successfully completed. Navigation coordinates successfully installed. Destination: Penumbra. Awaiting launch command, or alternate coordinates. Artificial attraction field initiated. Air generators online. Heating filaments energized. Lockdown on exists successful. Psychoportive propulsion initiated. Remaining travel time to Penumbra estimated at six sleep periods.”

This is where the assumption of faster-than-light comes from. The crystal sphere is probably hundreds or thousands of light years in size at least and the ship can travel through it within 6 days. The map at the beginning shows that you definitely don't enter Truespace directly beside Penumbra either.


When the light of the star becomes more pronounced, PCs can see the structure that surrounds and dwarfs it: an unimaginable large, flat disc with a hole for the sun at its very center. At this distance, PCs see small nubs that must actually be walls thousands of miles high. These walls rise around the hub, ensuring that only glancing rays of the star's illumination actually strike the surface of the disk. PCs dimly see vast bodies of water and cloud cover on and above the disk.

The Illithid Empire crafted a suitable seat for their empire. A thousand years of engineering produced the disc known as Penumbra. The shape of the artificial world mimics a perfectly flat platter, with a star situated in a relatively small hole at its center. To extend this analogy, think of the sun as if it were the size of a pea on a conventional plate. Thus, the radius of the disc itself is a bit larger than the orbit of a conventional world around its sun. The disc is a few thousand miles thick and consists of a nearly indestructible material called substare. The artifact is quite massive and weights far more than the sun itself.

The thickness and sheer size of the disc produces normal gravity on the surface, diminishing somewhat at its edges. The inner wall serves as convenient worldwide shade. creatures on the disc live in perpetual twilight. The inner wall also keeps the breathable atmosphere from drifting into the sun. The outer edges of the disc do not require walls, as the atmosphere flows inward.

This description is basically the standard description of an Alderson Disk.

At the height of the illithids' empire, mind flayers inhabited both sides of the disc. Thrall races from the hotter worlds lived near the inner hub, while creatures from colder climes lived out near the rim. Though Penumbra consists of unbreachable substare, a hundred feet or more of normal rocks, clay, and topsoil covers this mysterious substance. The illithid builders incorporated artificial magnetic lines through the length and breadth of the substare comprising Penumbra. Thus, a lodestone or compass points the worth north - toward the Shine (sun).

Penumbra did not posses an extensive underdark environment while the illithids held sway above, the mindflayers did delve hollows here and there, fashioning some especially important areas directly into the nigh-indestructible substare that makes up Penumbra. Illithids were perfectly capable of either creating or otherwise harvesting and work with near indestructible scrinth-level materials and at a scale larger than any other races.

Penumbra consists of about 3000 Solar Masses worth of Substare with a habitable space of over 4 billion Earths. The Illithid Empire was well beyond a tech level 15 civilization capable of creating or harvesting 6x10^30 kg of substare a year and producing an average power output of at least 1.5*10^34W over a thousand years.

Voor and the Gith

The closest path to Penumbra lies through a region of space once claimed by the voor. The voor are long dead, but they once provided a terrible threat to the illithid empire. No record of their existence remains, save for a few relics left over from their fight against the illithids.

The nebulae near Penumbra represent the blasted remnants of voor resistance destroyed eons past by the illithids. These vast clouds of dust contain seeds of the voors' vengeance. Like spores or seeds, motes of the interstellar dust settle upon the surface of a nautiloid. Each speck of dust sprouts tendrils that bore microscopic channels in the side of the nautiloid. Thus rooted and planted, a speck "grows," utilizing the material structure of the ship itself to form a complete chrysalis. The brainmate simply reports, "Contact with abiotic organisms detected..."

The voor larvae primarily hate illithids. A voor larva is immune to psionic attacks and any mind-affecting spells, items, or psionic abilities. Voor larvae represent only one form of the creatures that were once collectively known as the voor by ancient illithids.

The people collectively known as the forerunner race represent the root stock from which the githzerai, githyanki, and many other splinter races evolved. The grimlocks on Penumbra were once forerunners manipulated by the mind flayers' psychobiological sciences and transformed into a racially distinct species.

The illithids, then holding mastery of much of the multiverse, encountered the voor against which the mind flayers' psionic powers proved useless. When the illithids' standard thrall troops also proved inadequate to vanquish the voor, the mind flayers began to fear. Out of desperation, a long-vanished Creed began to experiment upon selected thralls using the Tumerogenesis Tanks. Entirely new battle races were developed and imbued with strange abilities. Some races even received psionic abilities akin to the illithids themselves.

If the illithids introduced biogenetic factors for aggression into their thralls, it is possible that this trait survived and carried over into present-day races. Perhaps this genetic tampering is responsible for the long war between the githyanki and githzerai that rages to this day. Though not a commonly accepted belief, some illithids think that it was the mind flayers' triumph over the voor that planted the seeds of the slave revolt,

Note: Any githyanki or githzerai presented with this hypothesis becomes violently agitated and patently refuses to believe that their race relied on anything but their own indomitable will in gaining psionic power and destroying their masters.

With these new powers, the enhanced thralls eventually managed to destroy the voor. With the voor threat neutralized, the illithids euthanized all of the surviving enhanced thralls, or at least they thought so. Some few escaped into the general thrall population.

It is possible these enhanced thralls overthrew the illithid empire. Thus, the illithids may have planted the seeds of their own undoing. This presents a slightly different picture of the Illithid's eventual downfall by the Gith. And it wasn't just carelessness and arrogance but desperation in creating super soldiers against a dire threat that may have led to their downfall.

The Annulus

Beyond a door is a chamber, empty except for a glowing grid of inscribed lines covering a 10-foot-diameter area on the floor. Above this intricate symbol floats a metallic hoop, 1 foot in diameter. The metal of the hoop, or ring, is silvery, and contains many strange and arcane devices and projections. The object is the Annulus.

The Annulus is the ultimate psionic nullifier. Developed over a thousand years of steady effort by an Elder Concord of ancient Penumbra, the Annulus served as the ultimate tool to keep peace among the various illithid Creeds.

At the height of the illithid empire, there were literally thousands of Creeds, all of them with their own vision of how the empire would best be served. In this chaos of differeing viewpoints, however, one Creed in particular was viewed as a dangerous liability. That Creed was called The Friends of Man. Deemed a danger too great to ignore, an illithid Elder Concord convened, and with its blessing, the Annulus was brought to bear on the Friends of Man, wiping them from existence.

In the aftermath of the Friends of Man's destruction, the Elder Concord felt that such power was a thing not be used lightly, and so it was stored for all eternity, practically within reach of an Elder Brain. After centuries, it was almost forgotten, and when the thrall uprising commenced, the Elder Brain guarding the site of the Annulus' internment was taken unawares. If it had been able to bring the Annulus to bear, perhaps the revolt might have gone differently.

The prime power of the Annulus is psionic nullifcation. While grasping the Annulus, the wielder can trigger the psionic nullifcation effect once per year. The wielder must specify a target or group of targets within 500 feet. The target can be as specific as a particular psionic individual or psionic item or as general as a particular grouping of psionic beings that share the same philosophy that are clustered within a 100-foot radius of a center point... the targeted psionic entity (or entities) or psionic device, regardless of any protection it may posses, is nullified with a terrfic explosion. In effect, nothing is left but floating dust.

A more powerful entity (such as a demigod) will tax the Annulus to its limits. If the Annulus is used to nullify such a target, the Annulus success, but it is also completely destroyed, and cannot be retrieved by any means.

The Annulus in its original time seems far more long ranged to be able to destroy a creed that was considered such a threat to the Illithids and even possibly turn the tides of the Gith rebellion.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Battle Scarred

This is what a Judges Guild Judge's Screen looks like after you game with it from two to six times per week from ages 13-16. (1978-1981) Decoloration resulted from spilled beer, I believe the dark spot on "Treasure Types" is weed resin.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Wild Space

Ok, so I am gaming my adventuring group through a dystopian apocalyptic Wilderlands where some cataclysmic event has knocked the planet Ghenrek IV off it's axis.

Last game we had two new players introduced, Daughter Cooliosis and her Coastie husband, who are each running some futuristic characters. Soooo of course because my brain is never settled I had to come up with an entire intergalactic milieu for the setting.

Judges Guild back in the late 1970s and early 1980s published several supplements for the science fiction RPG Traveller set in the Gateway quadrant. I wondered whether there was any effort to tie in the Wilderlands setting with the science fiction products.

While it doesn't appear that there was any direct effort to do so, I did find a Judges Guild Traveller scenario Marooned On Ghostring where, as a result of an interstellar mis-jump, a starship crew ends up at an uncharted planetary system.

The similarities are that Ghostring (the planet) is the fourth planet of the system, earth-like, and has a planetary ring - all just like Ghenrek IV from the Wilderlands.

While the topography is not the same, there was an area in the middle of the Ghostring planet map that was amenable to some slight changes that would evoke the Wilderlands setting. I photo-shopped the adjustments and resulted in this map below. Hexes are 435 miles across which puts that center-northern continent with my changes in at the same scale as the Wilderlands.

The northernmost area needs some work where Valon and areas above that city would be, but otherwise the Wilderlands settled in quite nicely.

Next I had to add my off-kilter for the future Wilderlands, and also change the weather effects to make the planet colder and more barren. This is the planetary map I'll be using in the game.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

DunDraCon Moving to Santa Clara after 29 Years

(My first DunDraCon convention badge, DDC 16. Then hacked it for DDC 17.)
DunDraCon announced that DDC 44 will be the last at the San Ramon, CA Marriott Hotel and are moving the gaming convention to the Santa Clara, CA Marriott.

My gaming group has attended DunDraCon in San Ramon since Kevin tipped us off about the convention moving there in 1992. We have commandeered vacant rooms, gamed in stairwells, hallways, private guest rooms, and of course all the open gaming rooms.

Sumerled, J.A.S., and Postman Bob even made it up onto the roof of the hotel one year. (Somebody in maintenance left a long ladder alongside the building - attractive nuisance!)

We have had an annual pre-game parking lot BBQ nearly every year (even in the rain), and used to hold a breakfast BBQ also with J.A.S. and his gas-grilled pancakes.

During my "dark times" with the drink when our d&d game wasn't all that healthy our single game every year was still The Con. The only two I missed are 2005 when I resided, newly sober, in my SLE, and 2014 when I had to retake the bar exam that February.

Dang, nearly 3 fucking DECADES... that I believe qualifies as an era.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Nobody Home?

(Art from Black Gate)
So, lizard-cleric takes a long view with his superior infra-vision across the night-time snowy wastes and suddenly spots two humanoid figures moving as quickly as they seem capable through the snow toward the rope trick where the party is hidden. Lizard-cleric awaits their approach and hales them when the couple, a bare-chested human and a half-giantess, is within 40 feet.

Just as the couple make the location of the party's rope, masses of ghouls appear behind following them, ghouls being room-temperature undead and invisible to lizard-cleric's infra-vision.

The humanoid newcomers turn to stand and fight, while haughty paladin and several companions drop down to join the fray. Despite brutal destruction and waves of undead-turning waged by the adventurers, ghouls keep coming in numbers approaching hundreds. As combat continues lizard-cleric notices heat from a tall gaunt and armored shape perhaps 500 feet in the distance on a large hill opposite the source of ghouls from whence the humanoid couple ran.

As battle rages a huge undead knight approaches, half snake and wielding weapons in its four arms. The giant half-snake is adorned over its eyes with a blackened visor.

The new bare-chested man motions toward half-giantess companion, indicating he sees the visor, when the giant half-snake lobs a small globe into the midst of the heroes. The globes explodes in fire and necrotic magic. Haughty paladin leaps in front of his dragonborn associate, sparing her from certain destruction, while the others, severely wounded, retreat back into the rope trick (shrinking the half-giantess to fit everyone).

As the battle seems futile a large band of githyanki warriors, as they had briefly encountered in white elves cavern lair, magically appear shifting in and out of existence engaging the ghoulish warriors.

Haughty paladin's left leg is missing from the orb's explosion, and adventurers retreat up the rope trick. Lizard-cleric takes I final look to locate the strange gaunt and armored person, who is now bounding through the snow in their direction.

The party rests and heals for some time within the extra-dimensional space of the rope trick, when it is decided to take a look about before the spell ends.

Outside extra-dimensional space they seem to be floating in dark and silvery clouds. Off in the distance a city stands on a huge floating rock. The city is marked by two ivory towers intertwined in a double-spiral, a double-spiral exactly the same as the towers on the assimar's banner...

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Future Viridistan

(Original map from Judges Guild, 2005 I am pretty sure...)

Har, I "Ted Turnered" a black and white re-imagined Viridistan, City-State of the World Emperor. I still think this is a trippy map and wanted to enhance it a bit, then, since the adventuring party I have been game judging is in a future dystopian Wilderlands, though perhaps I will utilize this map for the "Immortal City" of the future (circa about 5400 BCCC).

There are a number of factors for future Viridistan. One was when we last left it was being threatened, unbeknownst, by undead hordes from beneath the city-state. Second there was a conspiracy by Wildfire, son of the Green Emperor, to take the throne. Third was the apocalyptic explosion from the City of the Gods in the Valley of the Ancients.

I think I'll start with the named features on this newer map to see what characters and artifacts might have survived the intervening history. Next I suppose I'll have to figure out what happened prior to the apocalypse. Fun stuff, heh, heh, heh...